

Clean Water Treat Plant Design and Construction 500 lps Capacity, Moya Cikarang

SPAM Durolis Riau Province WTP 400 lps Capacity

WTP II Ex. Itali Rehabilitation and Capacity Uprating from 500 lps to 1000 lps and 10.000 m³ Capacity Reservoir

PT. Pertamina RU IV Cilacap Water Treatment Plant (WTP) Installation Unit Construction 4000 Capacity m³/day

Intake Building Upgrade Construction, Water Treatment Plant Installation Construction 250 m3/hour Capacity and Reservoir at KEK Sei Mangkei PTPN III

Potable Water Storage Tank Relocation and CAF Tank Revitalization Design and Build 30 lps Capacity

Line 2 WTP Perumahan PT. Jababeka Cikarang Clarifier Rehabilitation 880 lps Total Capacity